Competitive Positioning

Why Purchase an Odyne Electrification System vs. an Anti-Idle or ePTO Worksite Only System From Another Manufacturer?

Medium- and heavy-duty trucks equipped with innovative Odyne plug-in electrification systems and Allison transmissions offer many benefits not available with anti-idle or ePTO worksite only systems from other manufacturers.

A. Allison Transmission, Inc. has globally endorsed the use of 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 Series™ transmissions with the Odyne electrification system as the exclusively-approved PTO-based electrification system. Allison Transmission stands behind the transmission warranty when interfaced with an Odyne electrification system.  No other manufacturers’ PTO-based electrification system or ePTO jobsite energy system connected to the Allison fully automatic transmission has been officially acknowledged to retain the Allison Transmission warranty.

B. The Odyne plug-in electrification systems have advanced safety features, including compliance with the SAE J1772 charging standard1, that are missing from most anti-idle or ePTO jobsite energy management systems. With SAE J1772, drivers can’t inadvertently drive off with a truck plugged in2.

C. Large trucks with the Odyne plug-in electrification system are uniquely eligible for EPAct credits3, a requirement for certain U.S. fleets. Odyne electrification systems improve fuel efficiency while driving and at the work site, unlike ePTO jobsite energy systems that typically reduce driving fuel efficiency.

D. Odyne uses a robust battery system.  Batteries are thermally managed to perform well in extreme environments, which supports one of the longest standard battery warranties in the industry and a 10-year design life4.

E. Allison Transmissions with Odyne electrification systems provide fuel efficiency and emissions benefits for a wider variety of applications than any other electrification system or ePTO system for medium- and heavy-duty trucks, allowing fleets to standardize on one solution, simplifying training and maintenance.

F. When used to power truck-mounted equipment or provide electricity at a worksite, Odyne electrification systems have the largest battery and exportable power system options available, allowing trucks to operate longer and to be more productive without use of the engine than other systems. Odyne electrification systems contribute to a quieter working environment that enhances safety and communications; a typical stationary truck application can be powered all day from an overnight charge.

1  First standard in the world reached by industry consensus that provides critical guidelines for safety, charging control and connectors used to charge plug-in vehicles. “Plug-In Vehicle Conductive Charging, SAE J1772 Explained Web Seminar RePlay” Retrieved from: SAE International
2 Odyne electrification systems are designed to operate with or without grid recharging and can use the engine to recharge the battery system if required.  Unlike ePTO systems Odyne provides the convenience of charging from a standard 110V outlet or the flexibility to charge from faster 220V level 2 EVSEs used by electric vehicles.
3 Certain U.S. fleets are required to comply with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Alternative Fuel Transportation Program specified in the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).  PHEV medium and heavy duty trucks are eligible for credits, the DOE will allocate 1 AFV credit (i.e., 1 per vehicle) for the acquisition of such a vehicle, see Federal Register, part 535 and  State & Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets for details.  Trucks equipped with only an ePTO jobsite energy management system or anti-idle system do not earn AFV credit, see State & Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets
4 Limited warranty, see warranty document for details.

If you’re not sure what type of hybrid truck will work best in your application, review the comparison chart below. This chart can help you pinpoint the choices that are important to your company and help you determine which system will work best in your application.

Odyne Electrification System

Safety, Performance and Application Criteria

Odyne Plug-in Electrification Systemi ePTO System A (Jobsite Energy System)ii ePTO System B (Powers Hydraulic System)
Plug-in Electrification
Plug-in electrification as defined by U.S. Governmentiv Yes No No
Eligible for EPAct Creditsv Yes No No
SAE J1772 compliant: plug-in charging safetyvi Yes No No
High Voltage Interlock Loop Yes NA No
Acknowledged to fully retain Allison Transmission warranty by transmission manufacturer. Approved and endorsed by Allison Transmission for use with 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 series transmissions. Yes No No
Standard battery warranty > 4 yearsvii Yes No No
Remote diagnostics using advanced telematics Yes No No
Increases fuel efficiency while driving Yes No No
Increases fuel efficiency at the work site Yes Yes Yes
Increases vehicle acceleration Yes No No
Thermally managed battery system Yes No No
Standard 110V and faster 220V charging Yes No No
Maximum battery capacity > 40 kWh Yes No No
Maximum electric motor power > 70kW Yes No No
Work Truck Applications available
Aerial bucket truck: Altec Yes Yes No
Aerial bucket truck: Terex Yes No Yes
Aerial bucket truck: Versalift Yes No No
Digger derrick: Altec (fully electric) Yes No No
Digger derrick: Terex (fully electric) Yes No No
Articulated cranes Yes No No
High export power: capable of supporting 6-18kW (instead of generator) Yes No No
Large air compressors: Boss/Vanair Yes No No
Lift gate Yes No No
Tank Truck: Amthor International Yes No No
Walk-in van with underground air handling: Utilimaster/Morgan Olson Yes No No
iPlug-in Electrification systems by Odyne allow medium- and heavy-duty vehicles to operate using stored electrical energy for optional stationary vehicle operations with the engine off and a combination of engine and electrical power during driving, reducing fuel consumption during all modes of operation. Odyne plug-in electrification systems use the existing standard truck power train with an Allison transmission and enhance vehicle performance while not impacting the transmission warranty. Odyne plug-in electrification systems are designed to operate with or without grid recharging and can use the engine to recharge the battery system if required.

iiAn ePTO is an electrified power take-off used to power hydraulic equipment or other loads when a vehicle is stationary. Sometimes referred to as a job site energy management system or an anti-idle system, the ePTO system does not save fuel during both the vehicle drive cycle and stationary operations of the vehicle.

ivPlug-in hybrid vehicle as defined by U.S. Federal Government per Part 535 Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Program pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 32902(k). Retrieved from:

vCertain U.S. fleets are required to comply with the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Alternative Fuel Transportation Program specified in the Energy Policy Act (EPAct). PHEV medium- and heavy-duty trucks are eligible for credits. The DOE will allocate 1 AFV credit (i.e., 1 per vehicle) for the acquisition of such a vehicle. Retrieved from: part 535.4 and for details. Trucks equipped with only an ePTO do not earn AFV credit. Retrieved from:

viFirst standard in the world reached by industry consensus that provides critical guidelines for safety, charging control and connectors used to charge plug in vehicles. Retrieved from:

viiLimited warranty, see warranty document for details. Battery has 10-year design life.

Note: product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. © 2024 Odyne Systems, LLC. All rights reserved.